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London and Islamic Terrorism

Article from the Telegraph by Dave Leppard. This should come as no surprise as Great Britain has had a lax immigration policy for years,and is a hotbed of radical Islam.It is way past time to wake up,but political correctness has a stranglehold on British politics and policies.

Police expect Mumbai-style terror attack on City of London

New Scotland Yard, London

New Scotland Yard, London

David Leppard

Scotland Yard has warned businesses in London to expect a Mumbai-style attack on the capital.

In a briefing in the City of London 12 days ago, a senior detective from SO15, the Metropolitan police counter-terrorism command, said: “Mumbai is coming to London.”

The detective said companies should anticipate a shooting and hostage-taking raid “involving a small number of gunmen with handguns and improvised explosive devices”.

The warning — the bluntest issued by police — has underlined an assessment that a terrorist cell may be preparing an attack on London early next year.

It was issued by the Met through its network of “security forums”, which provide business leaders, local government and the emergency services with counter-terrorism advice.

During a “commando-style” raid by 10 gunmen on hotels and cafes in Mumbai in November 2008, 174 people were killed and more than 300 injured over three days.

Officials now report an increase in “intelligence chatter” — communications captured by electronic eavesdropping agencies. One senior security adviser said the police warnings had intensified and become much more specific in the past fortnight.

“Before, there has been speculation. Now we are getting what appears to be a definite plot to carry out a firearms attack on London,” he said.

Earlier this year, police, military and intelligence services held an exercise in Kent to see whether they could defeat a commando raid in London by terrorists.

“The exercise brought out to those taking part that the capability doesn’t exist to deal with that situation should it arise,” said a military source.

Security sources said concerns had been raised by “chatter” on a prominent jihadist website two weeks ago.

Rest of the article here – http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article6962867.ece


This entry was posted on December 21, 2009 by in Islam, Jihad, Political Correctness and tagged , , .